Product Details

Guyabano Tea has been stated to help prevent cancer as well as help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. The tea can also help lower sugar levels as well as cholesterol and is perfect for people who have diabetes. 

Other benefits are as follows: helps treat liver damage, respiratory problems, rheumatism, and arthritis; eases insomnia; improves the immune system; prevents gastrointestinal problems by regulating bowel movement; protects the kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, ovaries, thyroid, and heart. The tea is Non-acidic and Caffeine Free

Dosage: 1 tbsp of loose tea to 1 liter of water.

How To Brew: Place 1 tablespoon full of tea per 4 cups of water into a stainless casserole. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes low heat. Best served hot.

NOTE: Barks, leaves, and twigs can be reused up to 4 times. This 80g pack can make up to 10 liters worth of tea.