Filipinas Tectonic Safety Systems Corporation
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About Filipinas Tectonic Safety Systems Corporation
Filipinas Tectonic Safety Systems Corporation (FIL-TEC) Exclusive Philippine Distributor of GP-888 Halex By Takamisawa Seismic Machines Fil-Tec received exclusive distributorship for the much acclaimed leader in seismic technology, the GP-888 Halex by Takamisawa Seismic Accelerograph and Intensity Meter Japan in 2015. In 2015, Filipinas Tectonic Safety Systems Corporation (FIL-TEC) has been awarded the exclusive distributorship in the Philippines, the GP-888 Halex by Takamisawa Seismic Accelerograph and Intensity Meter. The earthquake recording instrument is a product from Japan manufactured by Takamisawa Cybernetics Corporation, a publicly listed corporation in Japan and exclusively marketed by Halex Corporation Japan and IDEA MOVE Co. Ltd, which is also a subsidiary of the NTT Corporation in Japan. The two giant companies in Japan have merged together with IDEA MOVE LTD. Japan to partner with Fil-Tec in the Philippines and enter the seismic monitoring system industry in the country. The entry of GP-888 Halex By Takamisawa machine in the Philippine market will be in response to our government’s call for the installation of earthquake recording instruments in almost all of our buildings in the country in order to safeguard lives and maintain its structural integrity in relation to earthquake disasters. The installation of earthquake recording instrumentation in support to the 2010 National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) provision that “Buildings which are at least fifty (50) meters or more in height should install at least three recording accelerographs with a common start and timing” has been mandated by the government guided by the Guidelines on the Implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording Instrumentation, set by the Department of Public Works and Highways, which is seriously being pushed by Secretary Rogelio Singson. Filipinas Tectonic Safety Systems Corporation, is a SEC registered company as an international and local trading corporation that is being headed by its President and CEO, Dr. Anthony Rolando T. Golez Jr. MD, MBAH. Dr. Golez, a public health and disaster risk reduction and management expert, was a former official of the National Disaster Coordinating Council (now NDRRMC), and a recipient of The Outstanding Young Man of the Philippines (TOYM) in 2007 in the field of Disaster Management (the first in TOYM history). He was also a member of the 15th Congress, House of Representatives as the Congressman of the Lone District of Bacolod City in 2010. After the release of the IRR on January 12, 2015, Fil-Tec made sure that the GP-888 seismic machine would comply to the requirements of the Philippine government by submitting to its manufacturer the Guidelines, which eventually led to the awarding of certification by Takamisawa Cybernetics that GP-888 follows the Philippine specification. In addition, Fil-Tec also requested the same certification from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). At this point, it has issued the on